In a the mass storm, Eggman stared up at the new city-sized space station as it sat in the hangar. It was a little under 72 hours till launch, and the many worker robots were taking everything into the ship, including the new transport ships called "Egg-pods". All three hangars were being worked out, and the landing lights were being put in the Death Egg's hangars, as well as the diagnol-striped warning strip around the hangar entrance. "Seventy-Two hours until launch!" announced the speakers.
"Yes sir!" said the robot blankly, as it brought the pod on board.
"Seventy-One Hours and Fifity-Nine Minute until launch!" announced the speakers.
The robots were placing many sensor towers on the outer shell, as well as the array of oddly placed metal strips. These were all parts of the Death Egg's new and improved defense systems; the sensors would dectect the ships, and the send the Egg Pods out to attack. If that failed, the iron bands around the outside would deflect shots. As the doomsday neared, Eggman prepared many Mecha Semoes to go out and help the Mecha Nemoes. He knew Tails was sneaking in the oil into his base, so he prepared a specially equiped Mecha Semo to go out and attack. And if that wasn't bad enough, he was sending out an army of Mecha Nemoes to attack the Sonic Carrier. On the plains, Sonic had located the silver chaos emerald, but was ambushed by several Mecha Nemoes and dropped it. They then reported that they had located it, and returned to be upgraded into Mecha Semoes. So, everyone awaits for the Doomsday, knowing it would be the battle of their lives.......